
SAClient.upload_annotations(project, annotations, keep_status=False)#

Uploads a list of annotation dicts as annotations to the SuperAnnotate directory.

  • project (str or dict) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”)

  • annotations (list of dicts) – list of annotation dictionaries corresponding to SuperAnnotate format

  • keep_status (bool) – If False, the annotation status will be automatically updated to “InProgress,” otherwise the current status will be kept.


a dictionary containing lists of successfully uploaded, failed and skipped name

Return type:


Response Example:

   "succeeded": [],
   "skipped": []
SAClient.get_annotations(project, items=None)#

Returns annotations for the given list of items.

  • project (str or int) – project id or project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”).

  • items (list of strs or list of ints) – item names. If None, all the items in the specified directory will be used.


list of annotations

Return type:

list of dict

SAClient.download_annotations(project, path=None, items=None, recursive=False, callback=None)#

Downloads annotation JSON files of the selected items to the local directory.

  • project (str) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”).

  • path (Path-like (str or Path)) – local directory path where the annotations will be downloaded. If none, the current directory is used.

  • items (list of str) – list of item names whose annotations will be downloaded (e.g., [“Image_1.jpeg”, “Image_2.jpeg”]). If the value is None, then all the annotations of the given directory will be downloaded.

  • recursive (bool) – download annotations from the project’s root and all of its folders with the preserved structure. If False download only from the project’s root or given directory.

  • callback (callable) – a function that allows you to modify each annotation’s dict before downloading. The function receives each annotation as an argument and the returned value will be applied to the download.


local path of the downloaded annotations folder.

Return type:


SAClient.get_annotations_per_frame(project, video, fps=1)#

Returns per frame annotations for the given video.

  • project (str) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”).

  • video (str) – video name

  • fps (str) – how many frames per second needs to be extracted from the video. Will extract 1 frame per second by default.


list of annotation objects

Return type:

list of dicts

SAClient.set_annotation_statuses(project, annotation_status, items=None)#

Sets annotation statuses of items

  • project (str) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”).

  • annotation_status (str) –

    annotation status to set.

    Available statuses are:

    * NotStarted
    * InProgress
    * QualityCheck
    * Returned
    * Completed
    * Skipped

  • items (list of strs) – item names. If None, all the items in the specified directory will be used.

SAClient.delete_annotations(project, item_names=None)#

Delete item annotations from a given list of items.

  • project (str) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”)

  • item_names (list of strs) – item names. If None, all the annotations in the specified directory will be deleted.

SAClient.upload_annotations_from_folder_to_project(project, folder_path, from_s3_bucket=None, recursive_subfolders=False, keep_status=False)#

Finds and uploads all JSON files in the folder_path as annotations to the project.

The JSON files should follow specific naming convention. For Vector projects they should be named “<image_filename>___objects.json” (e.g., if image is cats.jpg the annotation filename should be cats.jpg___objects.json), for Pixel projects JSON file should be named “<image_filename>___pixel.json” and also second mask image file should be present with the name “<image_name>___save.png”. In both cases image with <image_name> should be already present on the platform.

Existing annotations will be overwritten.

  • project (str or dict) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”)

  • folder_path (str or dict) – from which folder to upload annotations

  • from_s3_bucket (str) – AWS S3 bucket to use. If None then folder_path is in local filesystem

  • recursive_subfolders (bool) – enable recursive subfolder parsing

  • keep_status (bool) – If False, the annotation status will be automatically updated to “InProgress,” otherwise the current status will be kept.


paths to annotations uploaded, could-not-upload, missing-images

Return type:

tuple of list of strs