
SAClient.create_project(project_name, project_description, project_type, settings=None, classes=None, workflows=None, instructions_link=None, workflow=None)#

Create a new project in the team.

  • project_name (str) – the new project’s name

  • project_description (str) – the new project’s description

  • project_type (str) – the new project type, Vector, Pixel, Video, Document, Tiled, PointCloud, Multimodal.

  • settings (list of dicts) – list of settings objects

  • classes (list of dicts) – list of class objects

  • workflows (list of dicts) – Deprecated

  • workflow (str) – the name of the workflow already created within the team, which must match exactly. If None, the default “System workflow” workflow will be set.

  • instructions_link (str) – str of instructions URL


dict object metadata the new project

Return type:


SAClient.search_projects(name=None, return_metadata=False, include_complete_item_count=False, status=None)#

Project name based case-insensitive search for projects. If name is None, all the projects will be returned.

  • name (str) – search string

  • return_metadata (bool) – return metadata of projects instead of names

  • include_complete_item_count (bool) – return projects that have completed items and include the number of completed items in response.

  • status (str) – search projects via project status


project names or metadatas

Return type:

list of strs or dicts

SAClient.clone_project(project_name, from_project, project_description=None, copy_annotation_classes=True, copy_settings=True, copy_workflow=False, copy_contributors=False)#

Create a new project in the team using annotation classes and settings from from_project.

  • project_name (str) – new project’s name

  • from_project (str) – the name of the project being used for duplication

  • project_description (str) – the new project’s description. If None, from_project’s description will be used

  • copy_annotation_classes (bool) – enables copying annotation classes

  • copy_settings (bool) – enables copying project settings

  • copy_workflow (bool) – Deprecated

  • copy_contributors (bool) – enables copying project contributors


dict object metadata of the new project

Return type:


SAClient.rename_project(project, new_name)#

Renames the project

  • project (str) – project name

  • new_name (str) – project’s new name


Deletes the project


project (str) – project name


Returns the project metadata


project_id (int) – the id of the project


project metadata

Return type:


SAClient.set_project_status(project, status)#

Set project status

  • project (str) – project name

  • status (str) –

    status to set.

    Available statuses are:

    * NotStarted
    * InProgress
    * Returned
    * Completed
    * OnHold

SAClient.get_project_metadata(project, include_annotation_classes=False, include_settings=False, include_workflow=False, include_contributors=False, include_complete_item_count=False)#

Returns project metadata

  • project (str) – project name

  • include_annotation_classes (bool) – enables project annotation classes output under the key “annotation_classes”

  • include_settings (bool) – enables project settings output under the key “settings”

  • include_workflow (bool) – Deprecated

  • include_contributors (bool) – enables project contributors output under the key “contributors”

  • include_complete_item_count (bool) – enables project complete item count output under the key “completed_items_count”


metadata of project

Return type:


SAClient.upload_images_to_project(project, img_paths, annotation_status='NotStarted', from_s3_bucket=None, image_quality_in_editor=None)#

Uploads all images given in list of path objects in img_paths to the project. Sets status of all the uploaded images to set_status if it is not None.

If an image with existing name already exists in the project it won’t be uploaded, and its path will be appended to the third member of return value of this function.

  • project (str) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”)

  • img_paths (list) – list of Path-like (str or Path) objects to upload

  • annotation_status (str) –

    value to set the annotation statuses of the uploaded images Available statuses are:

    * NotStarted
    * InProgress
    * QualityCheck
    * Returned
    * Completed
    * Skipped

  • from_s3_bucket (str) – AWS S3 bucket to use. If None then folder_path is in local filesystem

  • image_quality_in_editor (str) – image quality be seen in SuperAnnotate web annotation editor. Can be either “compressed” or “original”. If None then the default value in project settings will be used.


uploaded, could-not-upload, existing-images filepaths

Return type:

tuple (3 members) of list of strs

SAClient.attach_items_from_integrated_storage(project, integration, folder_path=None)#

Link images from integrated external storage to SuperAnnotate.

  • project (str) – project name or folder path where items should be attached (e.g., “project1/folder1”).

  • integration (str or dict) – existing integration name or metadata dict to pull items from. Mandatory keys in integration metadata’s dict is “name”.

  • folder_path (str) – Points to an exact folder/directory within given storage. If None, items are fetched from the root directory.

SAClient.upload_image_to_project(project, img, image_name=None, annotation_status=None, from_s3_bucket=None, image_quality_in_editor=None)#

Uploads image (io.BytesIO() or filepath to image) to project. Sets status of the uploaded image to set_status if it is not None.

  • project (str) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”)

  • img (io.BytesIO() or Path-like (str or Path)) – image to upload

  • image_name (str) – image name to set on platform. If None and img is filepath, image name will be set to filename of the path

  • annotation_status (str) – the annotation status of the item within the current project workflow. If None, the status will be set to the start status of the project workflow.

  • from_s3_bucket (str) – AWS S3 bucket to use. If None then folder_path is in local filesystem

  • image_quality_in_editor (str) – image quality be seen in SuperAnnotate web annotation editor. Can be either “compressed” or “original”. If None then the default value in project settings will be used.

SAClient.upload_images_from_folder_to_project(project, folder_path, extensions=['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tif', 'tiff', 'webp', 'bmp'], annotation_status=None, from_s3_bucket=None, exclude_file_patterns=['___save.png', '___fuse.png'], recursive_subfolders=False, image_quality_in_editor=None)#

Uploads all images with given extensions from folder_path to the project. Sets status of all the uploaded images to set_status if it is not None.

If an image with existing name already exists in the project it won’t be uploaded, and its path will be appended to the third member of return value of this function.

  • project (str or dict) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”)

  • folder_path (Path-like (str or Path)) – from which folder to upload the images

  • extensions (tuple or list of strs) – tuple or list of filename extensions to include from folder

  • annotation_status (str) – the annotation status of the item within the current project workflow. If None, the status will be set to the start status of the project workflow.

  • from_s3_bucket (str) – AWS S3 bucket to use. If None then folder_path is in local filesystem

  • exclude_file_patterns (list or tuple of strs) – filename patterns to exclude from uploading, default value is to exclude SuperAnnotate export related [“___save.png”, “___fuse.png”]

  • recursive_subfolders (bool) – enable recursive subfolder parsing

  • image_quality_in_editor (str) – image quality be seen in SuperAnnotate web annotation editor. Can be either “compressed” or “original”. If None then the default value in project settings will be used.


uploaded, could-not-upload, existing-images filepaths

Return type:

tuple (3 members) of list of strs

SAClient.upload_video_to_project(project, video_path, target_fps=None, start_time=0.0, end_time=None, annotation_status=None, image_quality_in_editor=None)#

Uploads image frames from video to platform. Uploaded images will have names “<video_name>_<frame_no>.jpg”.

  • project (str) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”)

  • video_path (Path-like (str or Path)) – video to upload

  • target_fps (float) – how many frames per second need to extract from the video (approximate). If None, all frames will be uploaded

  • start_time (float) – Time (in seconds) from which to start extracting frames

  • end_time (float) – Time (in seconds) up to which to extract frames. If None up to end

  • annotation_status (str) – the annotation status of the item within the current project workflow. If None, the status will be set to the start status of the project workflow.

  • image_quality_in_editor (str) – image quality be seen in SuperAnnotate web annotation editor. Can be either “compressed” or “original”. If None then the default value in project settings will be used.


filenames of uploaded images

Return type:

list of strs

SAClient.upload_videos_from_folder_to_project(project, folder_path, extensions=['mp4', 'avi', 'mov', 'webm', 'flv', 'mpg', 'ogg'], exclude_file_patterns=(), recursive_subfolders=False, target_fps=None, start_time=0.0, end_time=None, annotation_status=None, image_quality_in_editor=None)#

Uploads image frames from all videos with given extensions from folder_path to the project. Sets status of all the uploaded images to set_status if it is not None.

  • project (str) – project name or folder path (e.g., “project1/folder1”)

  • folder_path (Path-like (str or Path)) – from which folder to upload the videos

  • extensions (tuple or list of strs) – tuple or list of filename extensions to include from folder

  • exclude_file_patterns (listlike of strs) – filename patterns to exclude from uploading

  • recursive_subfolders (bool) – enable recursive subfolder parsing

  • target_fps (float) – how many frames per second need to extract from the video (approximate). If None, all frames will be uploaded

  • start_time (float) – Time (in seconds) from which to start extracting frames

  • end_time (float) – Time (in seconds) up to which to extract frames. If None up to end

  • annotation_status (str) – the annotation status of the item within the current project workflow. If None, the status will be set to the start status of the project workflow.

  • image_quality_in_editor (str) – image quality be seen in SuperAnnotate web annotation editor. Can be either “compressed” or “original”. If None then the default value in project settings will be used.


uploaded and not-uploaded video frame images’ filenames

Return type:

tuple of list of strs

SAClient.add_contributors_to_project(project, emails, role)#

Add contributors to project.

  • project (str) – project name

  • emails (list) – users email

  • role (str) – user role to apply, one of Admin , Annotator , QA


lists of added, skipped contributors of the project

Return type:

tuple (2 members) of lists of strs


Gets project’s settings.

Return value example: [{ “attribute” : “Brightness”, “value” : 10, …},…]


project (str or dict) – project name or metadata


project settings

Return type:

list of dicts

SAClient.set_project_default_image_quality_in_editor(project, image_quality_in_editor)#

Sets project’s default image quality in editor setting.

  • project (str or dict) – project name or metadata

  • image_quality_in_editor (str) – new setting value, should be “original” or “compressed”

SAClient.set_project_steps(project, steps)#

Sets project’s steps.

  • project (str or dict) – project name or metadata

  • steps (list of dicts) – new workflow list of dicts

Request Example:

    project="Medical Annotations",
            "step": 1,
            "className": "Anatomy",
            "tool": 2,
            "attribute": [
                    "attribute": {
                        "name": "Lung",
                        "attribute_group": {"name": "Organs"}

Gets project’s steps.

Return value example: [{ “step” : <step_num>, “className” : <annotation_class>, “tool” : <tool_num>, …},…]


project (str or dict) – project name or metadata


project steps

Return type:

list of dicts

Response Example:

        "step": 1,
        "className": "Anatomy",
        "tool": 2,
        "attribute": [
                "attribute": {
                    "name": "Lung",
                    "attribute_group": {"name": "Organs"}
SAClient.set_project_workflow(project, new_workflow)#


  • project (ConstrainedStrValue | dict) –

  • new_workflow (List[dict]) –




project (str | dict) –