CLI Reference#
With SuperAnnotate CLI, basic tasks can be accomplished using shell commands:
superannotatecli <command> <--arg1 val1> <--arg2 val2> [--optional_arg3 val3] [--optional_arg4] ...
Available commands#
Initialization and configuration#
To initialize CLI (and SDK) with team token:
superannotatecli init --token <token>
[--logging_path <Default=/Users/username/.superannotate/logs>]
Creating a project#
To create a new project:
superannotatecli create-project --name <project_name> --description <project_description> --type <project_type Vector or Pixel>
Creating a folder in a project#
To create a new folder:
superannotatecli create-folder --project <project_name> --name <folder_name>
Uploading images#
To upload images from folder to project use:
superannotatecli upload-images --project <project_name> --folder <folder_path> [--recursive] [--extensions <extension1>,<extension2>,...]
If optional argument recursive is given then subfolders of <folder_path>
are also recursively
scanned for available images.
Optional argument extensions accepts comma separated list of image extensions to look for. If the argument is not given then value jpg,jpeg,png,tif,tiff,webp,bmp is assumed.
Attaching image URLs#
To attach image URLs to project use:
superannotatecli attach-image-urls --project <project_name/folder_name> --attachments <csv_path> [--annotation_status <annotation_status>]
Uploading videos#
To upload videos from folder to project use:
superannotatecli upload-videos --project <project_name> --folder <folder_path>
[--recursive] [--extensions mp4,avi,mov,webm,flv,mpg,ogg]
[--target-fps <float>] [--start-time <float>]
[--end-time <float>]
If optional argument recursive is given then subfolders of <folder_path>
are also recursively
scanned for available videos.
Optional argument extensions accepts comma separated list of image extensions to look for. If the argument is not given then value mp4,avi,mov,webm,flv,mpg,ogg is assumed.
target-fps specifies how many frames per second need to extract from the videos (approximate). If not specified all frames will be uploaded.
start-time specifies time (in seconds) from which to start extracting frames, default is 0.0.
end-time specifies time (in seconds) up to which to extract frames. If it is not specified, then up to end is assumed.
Uploading preannotations#
To upload preannotations from folder to project use:
superannotatecli upload-preannotations --project <project_name> --folder <folder_path>
[--format "COCO" or "SuperAnnotate"]
[--dataset-name "<dataset_name_for_COCO_projects>"]
[--task "<task_type_for_COCO_projects>"]
Optional argument format accepts input annotation format. It can have COCO or SuperAnnotate values. If the argument is not given then SuperAnnotate (the native annotation format) is assumed.
Only when COCO format is specified dataset-name and task arguments are required.
dataset-name specifies JSON filename (without extension) in <folder_path>.
task specifies the COCO task for conversion. Please see import_annotation_format for more details.
Uploading annotations#
To upload annotations from folder to project use:
superannotatecli upload-annotations --project <project_name> --folder <folder_path>
[--format "COCO" or "SuperAnnotate"]
[--dataset-name "<dataset_name_for_COCO_projects>"]
[--task "<task_type_for_COCO_projects>"]
Optional argument format accepts input annotation format. It can have COCO or SuperAnnotate values. If the argument is not given then SuperAnnotate (the native annotation format) is assumed.
Only when COCO format is specified dataset-name and task arguments are required.
dataset-name specifies JSON filename (without extension) in <folder_path>.
task specifies the COCO task for conversion. Please see import_annotation_format for more details.
Exporting projects#
To export project
superannotatecli export-project --project <project_name> --folder <folder_path>
[--annotation-statuses <comma separated list of annotation statuses to export>]
SDK version information#
To show the version of the current SDK installation:
superannotatecli version